We are specialists in building digital products that require blockchain implementation.

New York


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Launch Plan Updates

Last week Shard Labs announced Launch Plan with a clear goal and targeted timeline. Check it out here. ? As you know, Shard Labs is bringing Lido to Polygon to enable users to stake MATIC token in a decentralized, secure way and use them on the secondary market with a simple click of a button on […]

02 February 2022


Lido on Polygon 🚀 Launch Plan

Short Lido on Polygon introduction for you if you skipped our article! 🙂 Shard Labs is bringing Lido to Polygon to enable users to stake MATIC token in a decentralized and secure way and use them on the secondary market — all of it with a simple click of a button on the UI. This integration will boost the […]

26 January 2022

Lido on Polygon Goerli

Lido on Polygon is live on Goerli Testnet!

Short Lido on Polygon introduction for you if you skipped the last article! 🙂 Lido, the largest liquid staking protocol on Ethereum, Terra, and Solana, is expanding to Polygon! Shard Labs is bringing Lido to Polygon to enable users to stake MATIC token in a decentralized, secure way and use them on the secondary market with a […]

08 December 2021

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