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stMATIC now available on QuickSwap!

Shard Labs Apr 14

We have great news for all liquidity providers!

By making it possible for other users to trade their MATIC/stMATIC tokens on QuickSwap, we have enabled incentives in $QUICK, $LDO, and $MATIC (will be added later) tokens. ???

High APR %

The pool with 40k $LDO tokens for the next month is already live and QuickSwap matched 1:1 in $QUICK. And yes, the APR is very high for early stakers 🙂

If you would like to provide liquidity and enjoy a high APR, head over here???


Enter stMATIC position without spending ETH on gas

If you wish to get stMATIC and avoid gas fees on Ethereum, get it via QuickSwap!

This way you can get an stMATIC and enjoy staking rewards ???https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x3a58a54c066fdc0f2d55fc9c89f0415c92ebf3c4

What is QuickSwap?

QuickSwap is a DEX that enables the purchase or selling of stMATIC in a fast and secure way. Their open-source code is available here: https://github.com/QuickSwap

*DEX (decentralized exchange) is a peer-to-peer marketplace where transactions occur directly between crypto traders. It works by allowing users to feed funds into the pools and reap rewards when pairs are traded by earning transaction fees. Instead of matching buy orders and sell orders, the smart contracts of these decentralized exchanges use liquidity pools (pre-funded pools of assets). The pools are funded by other users who are then entitled to the transaction fees that the protocol charges for executing trades on that pair.

PS. as always don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, or you can join this Discord channel to chat with us!


This article was originally published by Shard Labs on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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