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Shard Labs x SSV Network Partnership

Shard Labs Aug 10

We have some exciting news to share!

Shard Labs is now a Verified Operator of ssv.network’s Limited Mainnet Launch, which is a big step in keeping the Ethereum validators’ infrastructure safe and reliable.


The next generation of staking on Ethereum

SSV.network is a unique protocol that decentralizes Ethereum validators by utilizing Distributed Validator Technology (DVT). It allows a validator private key to be encrypted, split, and distributed to nodes so that no single node operator has to trust another to perform validator duties.

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This enables a certain number of nodes to be offline without affecting network performance and preventing operators from making unilateral decisions on behalf of a validator. The result is a decentralized, fault-tolerant, and highly secure approach to staking on Ethereum.

*SSV.network’s mainnet was officially launched on August 1, 2023.  For more details visit ssv.network overview.

Why did Shard Labs decide to join this project?

LSDs made staking simple and more approachable to general audiences, but still validators had a risk of managing their keys and DVT technology came to the rescue.

SSV is the leading DVT protocol on the market, and our collaboration started from its genesis. We supported SSV as an early investor, while also participating in the testnet and community from the start.

We believe SSV is crucial tech to make Ethereum staking both secure, simple, and reliable.

Why should you select Shard Labs as your operator in SSV.network?

Node operators are critical to the SSV ecosystem as they build and maintain hardware infrastructure, ensuring the network’s overall health. Verified Operators actively engage in governance proposals, lending their expertise and insights to shape the ecosystem’s future.

To become a Verified Operator, companies undergo rigorous screening by the SSV DAO Verified Operator Committee (VOC) – a process that ensures that only reputable organizations with proven experience in running POS staking and blockchain infrastructure services are recognized.


Shard Labs team is an OG in the Ethereum DeFi space. We’ve seen how revolutionary the SSV approach is, which is why we decided to collaborate with them since the beginning. We are looking forward to the future steps we’re taking together, and are celebrating this huge milestone for mutual collaboration.


This article is also published on Shard Labs Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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